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Adrift And Alone - Crafting And Saving Update

Updated: Mar 18, 2022

The Crafting and Saving Update is now here!

After the Alone in the Dark update, we realized we failed to create the foundation required to add the features our players wanted. We heard your feedback loud and clear - “WE WANT UPGRADES!” and today I am happy to announce that after a considerable amount of work (for our 2 person development team), we have successfully added a fully featured upgrade system. With this comes a complete overhaul to most of our main gameplay mechanics. We have also created a more lifelike open world map, with more islands to navigate around, and more treasure to find.

Unfortunately, due to massive changes we made to our back end, we had to remove the Alone in the Dark map, old tutorial, and shooting gallery. We also felt that our timed mode would no longer make sense with our new gameplay mechanics.

The upgrades/your camp:

All upgrades require coins and our new collectible, salvage. Coins are now only found in chests, and salvage can be found in crates. Upgrades are done at your camp, which acts as your home base. You can only carry so many coins and salvage at once, so be sure to return to your camp to spend them. While you are there you can also repair your raft.

You can upgrade your raft to improve its stats and health, and you can upgrade your camp to unlock more raft upgrades. All upgrades also change the appearance of your raft/camp, so you will be able to see which parts of your raft/camp are upgraded.

To win the game, you must have a fully upgraded camp, and the improved storage upgrade for your raft to unlock the beacon. After buying the beacon, a beam of light will shoot into the sky and a nearby ship will be called to rescue you. After reaching the ship, the game is over and you can restart.


The game will now automatically save when you exit to the main menu, and will save everything about the player, including your upgrades. However, when you die, your current game save will be deleted. The game save will also we overridden if you start a new game.

The new world/mini map:

The new open world level has more islands and is nearly twice as big as it was before. You also now have a mini map that will show you where you are, and items of interest.

Full release notes:


- Remade the open world map

- Remade the main menu

- Reworked all UI

- Added a UI mini map/full size map

- Rewrote/optimized every script

- Remade raft textures

- Added Upgrades

- Added AutoSave

- Salvage now fills the front crate

- Added "How to play" window to

replace the tutorial

- You now hold a limited amount of

coins and salvage

- Reworked Shark AI

- Salvage is now found in crates

- The Settings window can now be

accessed through the pause screen

- Gold Pistol is now acquired through


- Added the Camp

-Repairing the raft is now done through

the upgrade screen

- Difficulty now affects almost everything

- Peaceful is now a difficulty setting

- The game save is deleted upon dying

- Added "shark chase" sound effect

- You now start with more ammo

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